Over the last few days rumors of a new Raspberry Pi have surfaced. This is slightly surprising given the recent launch of the PiZero but not so surprising given it is the Pi’s 4th birthday on Monday. What better day to launch a new product?
Photos of the new Pi surfaced on the Official website (briefly) as part of an advert for the next issue of The MagPi.
The Raspberry Pi 3 appears to now have :
- On-board WiFi
- On-board Bluetooth
- New 64-bit 1.2GHz CPU
Can this single image be trusted? Well it appears to be supported by information found on the official FCC website.
If previous launches are anything to go by the Raspberry Pi 3 maybe on sale from 8am on 29/02/2016. Most likely from RS, Element14, CPC, The PiHut and Pimoroni.