Sending email in Python is easy if you have access to an SMTP server. These are often provided as part of a web hosting account or by email providers. The details are those that would be required to send email using Outlook, Thunderbird or other third-party mail client.
The required SMTP details are:
- SMTP server domain
- Username
- Password
Once you’ve got the details you can update the example code below and begin sending text emails.
# Import required libraries required for email functions import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Define email addresses to use addr_to = '' addr_from = '' # Declare SMTP email server details smtp_server = '' smtp_user = '' smtp_pass = 'abcdefghijkl' # Construct email msg = MIMEText('This is a test email') msg['To'] = addr_to msg['From'] = addr_from msg['Subject'] = 'Test Email From' # Send email via SMTP server e = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server) e.login(smtp_user,smtp_pass) e.sendmail(addr_from, addr_to, msg.as_string()) e.quit()
Sending to more than one address can be done by joining multiple addresses with a comma and a space. If you define a list of email addresses in a list called “recipients” you can join them together using this line :
recipients = ['',''] SEPARATOR = ', ' msg['To'] = SEPARATOR.join(recipients)